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When it comes to websites, how much information is too much?

When it comes to building a business website, there's a delicate balance between providing enough information to engage and inform your visitors, and overwhelming them with too much information. So, how much information is too much on a business website? Here’s a few things to consider when deciding:

1.0 Know Your Target Audience

The first step in determining the right amount of information for your business’ website is to understand your target audience. What information is relevant and important to them? What kind of information will keep them engaged and coming back for more? If you cater to a generally younger crowd, consider that they are used to consuming content in the form of short snippets of text or video like on Twitter or Instagram and TikTok. If, on the other hand, your product or service is highly complex and your ideal customer profile is one who does their due diligence through copious research, then being more comprehensive may serve you better. By understanding your audience, you can tailor the information on your website to their expectations and interests.

2.0 Keep it Simple

When in doubt, keep it simple. Your business website should be easy to navigate and understand, with clear and concise information that's easy to digest. Avoid using technical jargon or overly complex language that may confuse or overwhelm your visitors. Don’t use 5 words where 2 will do and don’t write a whole paragraph where a single line will get the same message across. Where jargon is unavoidable, consider hyperlinking words to their definitions to allow laymen to understand the intended meaning. 

3.0 Focus on the Essential Information

Your business website should focus on the essential information that your visitors need to know about your products or services in order to meet your call to action. You want to stick to just enough information that allows them to decide they want to subscribe to that newsletter, book that appointment or buy that product. That might include a brief description of what you offer, your pricing, your contact information, and a list of frequently asked questions. Avoid including information that's not directly relevant to your business or that may distract from your core message. Consider offering additional non-essential information to your visitors in the form of a newsletter they need to sign up to or an e-book they need to register for. Win Win.

4.0 Highlight the Unique Features

If your product or service offers unique features or benefits that set you apart from your competitors, make sure to highlight these on your website first and foremost. However, avoid listing every single feature or benefit in minute detail, especially if these features are commonly expected in your industry anyway. Instead, focus on the most important and compelling features that will help engage and persuade your visitors.

5.0 Provide Additional Resources

If your visitors want to learn more about your business or your products, provide additional resources such as case studies, testimonials, and blog articles. This information can be included on your website, or you can provide links to external resources that your visitors can explore on their own. This way you can avoid cluttering up your pages with endless amounts of text, without compromising on how informative you’d like to be. 

Consider as well what information might be best communicated in the form of imagery or graphics. Infographics may be a great way to illustrate a complex concept or a collection of logos and images may be the best way to highlight key elements. This is also a great way to break up any text that you do have on the site to make it less intimidating to visitors. 

So, in short, the amount of information that's appropriate for your business website will depend on several factors, including your target audience, the type of information that's relevant to them, and the overall simplicity and clarity of your website. By focusing on the essential information and providing additional resources for those who want to learn more, you can create a business website that's informative without sacrificing engagement. We'd also recommend to have a look at our 5 essential website ingredients if you want to make your website a success!

If the above seems a bit too overwhelming, why not jump on a quick call with us? Schedule it here.

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